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Pageof 19
Award NumberResearch NamePrincipal InvestigatorGrant TypeAmountPledge
1450528A Proposal to Manage the U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP)Carl BrennerCooperative Agreement$60,313,620
1707969IsoDAR Neutrino Target R&D and EngineeringMichael ShaevitzContinuing Grant$412,063
1714892Collaborative Research: Subduction below extreme sedimentation- A multidisciplinary transect from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta to the IndoBurma BackarcMichael StecklerContinuing Grant$2,524,950
1734596Standard Grant: The Role of Craft Skill in Scientific PracticePamela SmithContinuing Grant$313,653
1738802Phase II IUCRC Columbia University: Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS)Huiming YinContinuing Grant$607,000
1744895Collaborative Research: Landscape Evolution in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Erosion Rates and Real-time Monitoring of Rock Breakdown in a Hyperarid, Subzero EnvironmentJennifer LampStandard Grant$657,364
1753228CAREER: Enabling a Rich Astro-particle and Exotic Physics Program in DUNEGeorgia KaragiorgiContinuing Grant$800,000
1811143Scaling Limits of Growth in Random MediaIvan CorwinContinuing Grant$500,000
1827282Oceanographic Technical Services, LDEO, 2018-2022Sean HigginsContinuing Grant$24,483,078
1829563Support for the U. S. GEOTRACES Project OfficeRobert AndersonContinuing Grant$1,233,169
1831415Collaborative Research: Examining linkages between the Agulhas Leakage and ocean overturning in the last glacial cycle and through the mid-Pleistocene transitionSidney HemmingStandard Grant$671,310
1839198Collaborative Research: Navigating the New Arctic (NNA): Soundscape ecology to assess environmental and anthropogenic controls on wildlife behaviorNatalie BoelmanStandard Grant$1,469,749
1845638CAREER: Visual Database InterfacesEugene WuStandard Grant$566,000
1845893CAREER: Systematic Software Testing for Deep Learning ApplicationsBaishakhi RayContinuing Grant$555,065
1846875CAREER: Computational Failure Mechanics Across Multiple Scales with Deep Reinforcement LearningWaiChing SunStandard Grant$664,156
1847315CAREER: Enhancing perception and cognition while minimizing side effects through closed-loop peripheral neural stimulationQi WangContinuing Grant$500,000
1848388CAREER: Complex Coacervation in CellsAllie ObermeyerContinuing Grant$629,587
1848465CAREER: Characterizing mechanisms of navigation and memory using direct human brain recording and stimulationJoshua JacobsContinuing Grant$700,297
1851257Collaborative Research: Measurements and Modelling of the Indonesian Throughflow International Experiment (MINTIE)Arnold GordonContinuing Grant$1,406,976
1851821Studies on the Data-Driven Economy and School ChoiceYeon-Koo CheStandard Grant$284,999
1900702Nonlinear Geometric Flows: Ancient Solutions, Non-Compact Surfaces, and RegularityPanagiota DaskalopoulosContinuing Grant$549,942
1901603Collaborative Research: Linking sea ice and snow cover changes to Greenland mass balance through stratospheric and tropospheric pathwaysMarco TedescoStandard Grant$442,373
1908657Waves, Novel Two-Dimensional Materials, and ApplicationsMichael WeinsteinContinuing Grant$674,998
1916585BD Hubs: NORTHEAST: The Northeast Big Data Innovation HubJeannette WingCooperative Agreement$4,064,880
1916908Collaborative Research: A Flexible Framework for Radiation Parameterizations Traceable to BenchmarksRobert PincusStandard Grant$1,023,287