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Award Number | Research Name | Principal Investigator | Grant Type | Amount | Pledge |
1450528 | A Proposal to Manage the U.S. Science Support Program Office associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (USSSP-IODP) | Carl Brenner | Cooperative Agreement | $60,313,620 | |
1707969 | IsoDAR Neutrino Target R&D and Engineering | Michael Shaevitz | Continuing Grant | $412,063 | |
1714892 | Collaborative Research: Subduction below extreme sedimentation- A multidisciplinary transect from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta to the IndoBurma Backarc | Michael Steckler | Continuing Grant | $2,524,950 | |
1734596 | Standard Grant: The Role of Craft Skill in Scientific Practice | Pamela Smith | Continuing Grant | $313,653 | |
1738802 | Phase II IUCRC Columbia University: Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) | Huiming Yin | Continuing Grant | $607,000 | |
1744895 | Collaborative Research: Landscape Evolution in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Erosion Rates and Real-time Monitoring of Rock Breakdown in a Hyperarid, Subzero Environment | Jennifer Lamp | Standard Grant | $657,364 | |
1753228 | CAREER: Enabling a Rich Astro-particle and Exotic Physics Program in DUNE | Georgia Karagiorgi | Continuing Grant | $800,000 | |
1811143 | Scaling Limits of Growth in Random Media | Ivan Corwin | Continuing Grant | $500,000 | |
1827282 | Oceanographic Technical Services, LDEO, 2018-2022 | Sean Higgins | Continuing Grant | $24,483,078 | |
1829563 | Support for the U. S. GEOTRACES Project Office | Robert Anderson | Continuing Grant | $1,233,169 | |
1831415 | Collaborative Research: Examining linkages between the Agulhas Leakage and ocean overturning in the last glacial cycle and through the mid-Pleistocene transition | Sidney Hemming | Standard Grant | $671,310 | |
1839198 | Collaborative Research: Navigating the New Arctic (NNA): Soundscape ecology to assess environmental and anthropogenic controls on wildlife behavior | Natalie Boelman | Standard Grant | $1,469,749 | |
1845638 | CAREER: Visual Database Interfaces | Eugene Wu | Standard Grant | $566,000 | |
1845893 | CAREER: Systematic Software Testing for Deep Learning Applications | Baishakhi Ray | Continuing Grant | $555,065 | |
1846875 | CAREER: Computational Failure Mechanics Across Multiple Scales with Deep Reinforcement Learning | WaiChing Sun | Standard Grant | $664,156 | |
1847315 | CAREER: Enhancing perception and cognition while minimizing side effects through closed-loop peripheral neural stimulation | Qi Wang | Continuing Grant | $500,000 | |
1848388 | CAREER: Complex Coacervation in Cells | Allie Obermeyer | Continuing Grant | $629,587 | |
1848465 | CAREER: Characterizing mechanisms of navigation and memory using direct human brain recording and stimulation | Joshua Jacobs | Continuing Grant | $700,297 | |
1851257 | Collaborative Research: Measurements and Modelling of the Indonesian Throughflow International Experiment (MINTIE) | Arnold Gordon | Continuing Grant | $1,406,976 | |
1851821 | Studies on the Data-Driven Economy and School Choice | Yeon-Koo Che | Standard Grant | $284,999 | |
1900702 | Nonlinear Geometric Flows: Ancient Solutions, Non-Compact Surfaces, and Regularity | Panagiota Daskalopoulos | Continuing Grant | $549,942 | |
1901603 | Collaborative Research: Linking sea ice and snow cover changes to Greenland mass balance through stratospheric and tropospheric pathways | Marco Tedesco | Standard Grant | $442,373 | |
1908657 | Waves, Novel Two-Dimensional Materials, and Applications | Michael Weinstein | Continuing Grant | $674,998 | |
1916585 | BD Hubs: NORTHEAST: The Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub | Jeannette Wing | Cooperative Agreement | $4,064,880 | |
1916908 | Collaborative Research: A Flexible Framework for Radiation Parameterizations Traceable to Benchmarks | Robert Pincus | Standard Grant | $1,023,287 |